How to find resources for seniors in New York City

New York City’s senior population is growing quickly. There are now more than 1.4 million New Yorkers over the age of 60, and that number is expected to rise to more than 1.8 million by 2030. At that time, there will be more older adults than school children in New York City, and seniors will account for one out of every five residents. There is a vast array of community resources available to help seniors with their daily needs, but they can be difficult to locate. New York City’s Department of Aging has an online tool that can help.

Littman Krooks elder law attorneysThe Department of Aging’s Find Help tool is designed to help seniors and their family members easily find the resources they need in their area. You can search by zip code or borough, and search for the type of services you are looking for, which may include abuse prevention, caregiver resources, case management, health promotion services, home care, home delivered meals, legal services, naturally occurring retirement communities, senior centers, social adult day care and day services, transportation and geriatric mental health.

Searching by location and type of services gives you a list of providers, and by clicking on an individual result, you will be given detailed information about the service provider, including the address, phone number, hours of operation and services offered.


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